Group Events
League +
Scheduled group events are structured to meet each group and their expectations. Each event allows for personalization to meet their needs whether it is team building, education, or just for fun. The events can include all or varying aspects of classroom instruction, instructed range time and rental of firearms.

Individual leagues run 8 weeks from January-February, April-May, October-November
Prizes and awards will be presented at the end of league season when the year-end banquet is held
Mini league runs 4 weeks in March, July, and September
Youth league runs 4 weeks summer and fall
2 Gun Competition runs every other week
Mini League
Off League Season on Wednesday night at 6:30 PM
No registration fee
$18.00 per person
Mini league is not included in year end banquet, all center fire and rim fire welcome.
This league is purely for fun or new shooters wanting to trial a pistol league.
Individual League
Wednesday night at 6:30PM
$25.00 one-time registration fee per person
$18.00 per person each week​
Every other Tuesday during Winter
$18.00 per person

HIT FACTOR (previously USPSA)
Every other Tuesday during Winter
No Registration fee. Show and shoot.
Couples Night Out
Fridays 4pm to Close
$18.00 per shared lane + FREE rental (excludes ammunition)